We are pleased to announce the next beta release (0.35) of the MPJ
Express software. This release introduces some interesting and
innovative features in the MPJ Express software.
MPJ Express programs can now be executed in two configurations:
1. Multicore Configuration: This configuration is used by developers
who want to execute their parallel Java applications on multicore or
shared memory processors (laptops and desktops). This configuration is
preferable for development and teaching purposes.
2. Cluster Configuration: This configuration is used by developers who
want to execute their parallel Java applications on distributed memory
platforms including clusters and network of computers. This
configuration is preferable for executing large scale number crunching
You may begin by having a look at the talk "MPJ Express: An
Implementation of MPI in Java, Version: 0.35 (Beta Release)"
You may download the software from: http://mpj-express.org/
Quick Start Guides:
README for Linux/UNIX/Mac: http://mpj-express.org/docs/
README for Windows: http://mpj-express.org/docs/
Detailed User Guides:
Linux User Guide: http://mpj-express.org/docs/
Windows User Guide: http://mpj-express.org/docs/
We are thankful to MPJ Express community of users for their continued
support and patience.
Feel free to contact us in case of any queries.
Best Regards,
Aamir Shafi
Bryan Carpenter
Mark Baker